Author: Prof. Petko Pavlov

the book...

The book "Bulgarian orders and medals", Sofia 2002., is the first part of "Bulgarian orders, medals and decorations". The second part " Bulgarian decarations" will be published soon.

The book have parallel text in English and Bulgarian, size 23/33.5 cm., 360 pp., paper chromium-matt, hard cover, only 500 copies of the book. The book have appendix " Price catalogue of Bulgarian orders and medals"

This book is SOLD OUT!

page 15
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page 63

The book provides quite an exhaustive description of all Bulgarian orders and medals since the Liberation from Ottoman oppression till nowadays. The periodicity follows, basically, the changes in the status of the Third Bulgarian State:

• The Principality of Bulgaria - Knyaz Alexander I (1879-1886), Knyaz Ferdinand I (1887-1908);

• The Kingdom of Bulgaria - Tsar Ferdinand I (1908-1918), Tsar Boris III (1918-1943),
Tsar Simeon II (Regents’ Rule - 1943-1946 -until the referendum for republic);

• Republic of Bulgaria - People’s Republic of Bulgaria (1946-1991), Republic of Bulgaria (after 1991).

page 120
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page 175

The book comprises: historical reference on the awards’ institution and their statutes; details of the various emissions and their modifications; description of their outer appearance and size; miniatures for daily use; draft specimen; frequency of encountering and the metal they are made of. The photos included in the book were made specifically for it but for a couple of photos specified at the relevant sites; they are in scale 1:1. The book also provides photos of boxes, instruments of award, some of them signed by the Heads of State; references.

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A total of 895 coloured photos of orders, medals, miniatures for daily use, boxes, award charts, certificates and decrees have been published.

The study and description of the various awards is chronological, comprising two sections: Orders and Medals. The major part of the descriptions and photos of awards contained in the book are based on the author’s collection.

The author will be greatfull for any suggestions and remarks. Also he is greatly interested in any pictures or photographs of some interesting orders and medals which are not included in the present book.

page 339


1.1. Order for Bravery
1.2. Order of St. Alexander
1.3. Order for Merit
1.4. Order for Civil Merit
1.5. Order for Military Merit
1.6. Order of St. St. Apostles Cyril and Methodius
1.7. For Incentive to Humanity
1.8. People’s Order of Labour, Order of Labour
1.9. Order of 9 September 1944
1.10. Order of People’s Freedom 1941-1944
1.11. Order of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria
1.12. Order of Georgi Dimitrov
1.13. Order of the Red Banner
1.14. Order of the Red Banner of Labour
1.15. Order of Mother’s Glory
1.16. Order of Stara Planina
1.17. Order of the Madara Horseman
1.18. Order of Rose
1.19. Order for Civil Courage and Merit
1.20. Order of Military Courage and Merit
1.21. Order of Labour Glory
1.22. Order of 13 Centuries Bulgaria
1.23. For Loyal Service under the Banner

2.1. Commemoration Medal for the Election of Prince Alexander of Battenberg 2.2. Commemorative Medal for the Liberation of Bulgaria 1877-1878
2.3. Medal for the Allocation of War Banners to the Bulgarian Army in 1881
2.4. Medal for Merit
2.5. Medal for Science and Art
2.6. Commemorative Medal for the Serbian-Bulgarian War 1885
2.7. Commemorative Medal for the Election of Knyaz Ferdinand I in 1887
2.8. Medal for the Construction of Yambol-Bourgas Railway
2.9. Medal for Long Service in the Bulgarian Army
2.10. Commemorative Medal for the Wedding of Ferdinand I and Marie-Louise
2.11. Commemorative Medal for the 80th Anniversary of Knyaginya Clementine
2.12. Commemorative Medal for the 25th Anniversary of the April Insurrection
2.13. Commemorative Medal for the Shipka Manoeuvres of 1902
2.14. Medal for Incentive to Humanity
2.15. Life-Saving Medal
2.16. Commemorative Medal for the Proclamation of Bulgaria’s Independence in 1908
2.17. Jubilee Medal for the 25th Anniversary of the Reign of Ferdinand I
2.18. The Balkans to the Balkan People Commemorative Medal
2.19. In This Sign Thou Shalt Conquer Medal
2.20. The Balkan Alliance Commemorative Medals
2.21. Commemorative Medal for the War of Liberation
2.22. Commemorative Medal for the Balkan War Commanders-in-Chief
2.23. Commemorative Medal for the Macedonian-Edirne Volunteers
2.24. Commemorative Medals for the 9th Division
2.25. Red Cross Medals
2.26. Commemorative Medals for the Wars of 1912-1913 and 1915-1918
2.27. Medal for the Patriotic War of 1944-1945
2.28. Medal for Participation in the Antifascist Struggle
2.29. Medal for Participation in the People’s Insurrection of 1923
2.30. Medal for Military Merit
2.31. Medal for Labour Distinction
2.32. Medal for Motherhood
2.33. Medal for Long Service in the Ministry of Interior
2.34. Jubilee Medal for the 20th Anniversary of the Bulgarian Army
2.35. Jubilee Medal for the 20th Anniversary of the Bodies of the Ministry of Interior
2.36. Jubilee Medal for the 20th Anniversary of the Bodies of the Committee on National Security
2.37. Medal for Long Service in the Committee on National Security
2.38. Medal for Merit to the Bulgarian People’s Army
2.39. Medal for the 25th Anniversary of the Bulgarian Army
2.40. Jubilee Medal for the 25th Anniversary of the Bodies of the Ministry of Interior
2.41. Medal for Merit to Security and Public Order
2.42. Medal for Long Service in the Construction Corps
2.43. Jubilee Medal for the 25th Anniversary of People’s Rule
2.44. Jubilee Medal for the 25th Anniversary of the Construction Corps
2.45. Commemorative Medal for the 90th Anniversary of the Birth of Georgi Dimitrov
2.46. Jubilee Medal for the 50th Anniversary of the People’s Insurrection of September
2.47. Jubilee Medal for the 30th Anniversary of the Bulgarian Army
2.48. Jubilee Medal for the 30th Anniversary of the Bodies of the Ministry of Interior
2.49. Jubilee Medal for the 30th Anniversary of the Construction Corps
2.50. Medal of the International Brigades in Spain of 1936-1939
2.51. Veteran of Labour Medal
2.52. Medal of Kliment Ohridski
2.53. Medal for Distinction in the Bulgarian People’s Army
2.54. Medal for Distinction in the Construction Corps
2.55. Medal for Distinction in the Corps of the Ministry of Transport
2.56. Medal for Merit to the Construction Corps
2.57. Medal for Merit to the Corps of the Ministry of Transport
2.58. Jubilee Medal for the 30th anniversary of the Socialist Revolution in Bulgaria
2.59. Medal for Consolidation of Military Friendship
2.60. Jubilee Medal for the 30th Anniversary of the Victory over Fascist Germany
2.61. Jubilee Medal for the 100th Anniversary of the April Insurrection (1876-1976)
2.62. Jubilee Medal for the 25th Anniversary of Civil Defence of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria
2.63. Medal for Merit to Frontier Safeguard
2.64. Jubilee Medal for the 100th Anniversary of the Red Cross
2.65. Medal for Friendship and Collaboration with the People’s Republic of Bulgaria
2.66. Medal for Peace and Agreement with the People’s Republic of Bulgaria
2.67. Jubilee Medal for the 100th Anniversary of Bulgaria’s Liberation
from Ottoman Yoke 1878-1978
2.68. Jubilee Medal for the 100th Anniversary of Bulgarian Communications
2.69. Jubilee Medal for the 100th Anniversary of Bulgarian Customs Houses
2.70. Medal for Sofia’s 100th Anniversary as Capital of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria
2.71. Medal for Sofia’s Being Capital of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria
2.72. Jubilee Medal for the 100th Anniversary of Bulgarian State Health Care
2.73. Jubilee Medal for the 100th Anniversary of Bulgarian Geology
2.74. Jubilee Medal for the 1300th Anniversary of Bulgaria
2.75. Jubilee Medal for the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Georgi Dimitrov
2.76. Medal for Merit to the Working People’s Volunteer Detachments
2.77. Jubilee Medal for the 40th Anniversary of the Socialist Revolution in Bulgaria
2.78. Jubilee Medal for the 80th Anniversary of Revolutionary Trade Union Movement in Bulgaria
2.79. Jubilee Medal for the 40th Anniversary of the Victory over Hitler’s Fascism
2.80. Jubilee Medal for the 100th Anniversary of Bulgarian Railways
2.81. Jubilee Medal for the 45th Anniversary of the Bodies of the Ministry of Interior
2.82. Jubilee Medal for the 125th Anniversary of Bulgarian Railways
2.83. War Veteran Medal
2.84. Jubilee Medal for the 75th Anniversary of the Construction Corps
2.85. Jubilee Medal for the 50th Anniversary of the Victory over Hitler’s Fascism

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